There are a great many wholesale sources from whom you can get great designer handbags from at decent prices. You will be able to find high end products from well known manufacturers such as Prada and Luis Vuitton. The key factors you want to consider when seeking a wholesaler are quality and price as this will be the things that determine your success in this business.
Coach has done a great job of making itself more accessible to the public with lower prices. There are now roughly 300 stores in the United States and many of these stores are outlet stores. With outlet stores you often can find lower prices.
Coach leather handbags often will range anywhere between $200 and $500 for the most popular Coach designs with the prices for accessories falling below this range. Outlet stores may offer a bit more of a discount when looking for a Coach handbag for yourself or someone you may want to buy one for as a gift. You can also look online for a good deal but be sure that you are purchasing the real thing.