There are websites that sell the fake Coach purses for discount in huge volume and dishonest sellers often buy from these places so they have many of the same bags. Fabric is much easier and less expensive to exploit so be extra careful when dealing with cloth coach bags. Unfortunately this does not make you safe if you are buying a leather coach purse.
A good clue into whether the purse is authentic or not is buy paying attention to the photos, they can tip you off to a fake Coach purse. A possible tip that the bag is fake is if the seller is using Coach's website pictures which usually have a white background. Another tip is the size of the picture.
It is important to read the text of the seller's post very carefully. Look to see if the seller mentions that the Coach purse is what it's supposed to be, an authentic Coach purse. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for shady Ebay sellers to avoid flat out lying they will not tell you the whole truth.
It is always more risky to buy from someone who has little or no feedback. In fact, to stay safe, I would simple not buy from someone who has not or little feedback. If the Seller has lots of feedback make sure you read the negative feedback and see if there is any mention of Fake Coach purses.
Coach Handbags are very trendy with today's crowd, due to the fact that it is a designer brand, yet it is still affordable and is well made with genuine leather material. Therefore consumers are aware that they can get a great looking handbag or purse of outstanding quality and at a great price.
Due to this on going competition, you will find that buying designer handbags and purses are not as expensive as one might think, as a matter of fact, Coach handbags and purses are already less than some of the other designer handbags in its class, but you can still get them at an even more affordable rate with the use of a Coach Outlet Coupon.